why do we love someone psychology

Why do we feel both love and hate towards someone? Find out a bit about the psychology of gambling, why people bet money and the reasons for gambling. Some people can't see that though. Why do people hurt others? Hardly anywhere is our willful blindness more unrelenting than in love. The main difference is love takes time and . But insights from psychology suggest that our feelings and identities may have a greater influence on which brands we choose. Psychologist Brad Reedy explains " If we find part of ourselves unacceptable, we tend to attack others in order to defend against the threat. Most of us see the connection between social and physical pain as a figurative one. While hatred is an emotion that motivates us to avoid pain, love is an emotion that motivates us to seek happiness or rewards. The neurological core is very old, although . Answer (1 of 17): World over, psychology is a crazy word. The findings indicate that romantic attraction is an ancient biological drive, as are hunger and sex. One promising answer is that romantic love occurs when the attributes that generate . I came across this great article in PWG about the psychology behind misery and thought I would share:. We end up rooting more for the underdogs over the "winning" team because we may be unconsciously envious that they are doing well, which is why if the underdog team pulls out a win, we don't feel badly that the favorite team lost. We are not really in power of who we fall in love with. Why We Love Vampires: The Psychology Behind the Obsession Charming, elegant, and downright sexy, Vampires have been the monster-of-choice for. Our self-esteem, mental and emotional health, life experiences, and family relations all influence whom . Schadenfreude essentially means we unconsciously experience pleasure at the misfortune of others, Shah said. Human lif. Why We Love Who We Love. See them as an ordinary human being, flaws and all. According to Dr Chapman: 'Quality time is giving someone your undivided attention. It's because they're often told it's the "right thing to do." Advertising. You may do it intentionally or unintentionally. Talk to Someone. In looking at the psychology of vampires, these are the top ten reasons they are so fascinating. A study by Rutgers University reveals almost 56% of . Twirling one's locks is a very common and well-known way to express ones emotions. Over time, we start to rationalize our effort is an indication of our immense feelings of attraction. The more we do this, the more we become invested and entrenched in the fantasy. Why Love Literally Hurts. People like sports because, like the theater, it is a venue for emotional expression. By Eliza Castile. Astrology offers a number of things which many people find very desirable: information and assurance about the future, a way to be absolved of their current situation and future decisions, and a way to feel connected to the entire . The feedback theories essentially state that body states cause valenced (positive or negative) feelings in a bottom-up manner, and that cognitions (higher-order thought on a 'symbolic' level, such as appreciating someone's qualities) cause embodied reactions in a top-down manner (these are the quirky love-induced reactions you speak of). There is still a stigma about dating someone in your office, so people tend to be secretive about it. When you start understanding the science and psychology of hate, you begin to realize that there are numerous complex . Surely you've felt this type of mixed emotions towards someone before. So why do people bet their hard-earned money? Why do we hate? According to Hani Henry, chair and associate professor of psychology in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology and Egyptology at AUC, Robert Sternberg's psychological theory covers the most common reasons why we fall in love, namely: intimacy, passion and commitment. We can't explain it and it's quite confusing, because they're emotions that are felt at two different extremes. Many studies in psychology have tried to explain why someone might get attached so easily, and one such example may come from a large-scale analysis by Tianyuan Li and Darius Change of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, in 2012, which showed some interesting findings about why people might get attached so easily. According to the psychology of falling In love the process falling in love is controlled by chemicals that are released by your brain. If there were clear answers, we would have solved this problem by now. For some, like the football fan who collects club memorabilia, it is a way to express loyalty; for others . . Cognitive scientists at MIT explain that we experience peak processing and memory power at around age 18 and this is the time when we experience a lot of firsts, including our first love. About a third of people in the UK collect something. People whose love language is quality time feels much loved, cherished, and prioritised when they spend meaningful time with their loved ones. Another psychologist also says that most people experience a 'memory bump' between the ages of 15 and 26. Why is falling in love scary? Your Body is Confused. In his novel "Invisible monsters", Chuck Palahniuk wrote, "When we don't know who to hate, we hate ourselves." That is true. According to films and romantic novels, love is blind. Proximity has always been, and to some extent still is, considered the most important part of why we're attracted to someone, or even why we're friends with . We say that our feelings can be like a rollercoaster - and, as it turns out, the psychology of our emotions has influenced rollercoaster design from the beginning. The truth of the matter is, our brains can be rewired to fixate on people who aren't good for us. Before she met the love of her life, psychology researcher Raquel Peel says that she was a . We agree that "love hurts," but we don't think it hurts the way that, say, being kicked in the shin hurts. psychology of falling in love . We wonder about the victim, about the perpetrator, and about the circumstances. It puts a high value on one's loyalties, duties and responsibilities toward others - mainly their partners and family members. According to a Scientific American article, "The areas of the putamen and insula that are activated by individual hate are the same as those for romantic love. As the weather turns colder I've been noticing people are getting a hell of a lot grumpier. Because we're glad we're not the victim. The old adage that "love is blind," it turns out, has strong psychological roots: When we love someone, we see them as smarter, wittier, prettier, stronger than anyone else sees them. Here are just a few more great reasons why we think everyone should learn at least a little bit about psychology. These completely opposite emotions are found in every human being. People like sports because it provides a sense of belonging, a connection to a wider world. Or, have you ever concluded love could be a beautiful feeling helping species remain alive? Love is not a random process at all but it has rules that govern it. Answer (1 of 55): Psychology Says, "If you read the term Psychology you are 89% likely to believe what is written or said" Like you just did :) As a post-graduate in Clinical Psychology and , I can share the reasons why I joined the field. Julia and Ron started dating after they met through friends. Before you know why you can't forget about someone you should know first know why you still remember him. 7. The best, most inspiring essays are published here. Each student describes in 250 words or less (i) why I chose psychology as a major and (ii) how I'm motivated to succeed at psychology studies. is a love that is supposed to stand the test of time, enduring all hardship. Our mind triggers the emotion of love to motivate us to move closer to people or things . If we're relatively affluent, we'll consider a lot of it ours. Storge. Ignoring someone takes a lot of energy, sometimes more so than actually talking about whatever is bothering you. Not satisfied with that answer? When they were able to actively gossip about the person, or the situation, on the . The term in psychology for that is 'projective identification', according to Ilana Simons, a literature professor at The New School in New York. 9 Reason Why We Want What We . Psychology of how we view girls in old vs. new times. Did you ever notice love is sort of a mysterious yet natural emotion in us and it must have to do something with our chemistry to one another? Psychologists say one of the main reasons we're obsessed with true crime is because it gives us an opportunity to feel relieved that we're not . If you truly love someone, you have to let them make mistakes. We will tell you what we mean and how you can do with finesse and intelligence. Most of these reasons may shock you and here are some psychological evidences to explain the reasons you thought why men cheat. Ok, so we all understand that gambling offers you the chance of winning money or prizes, but have you considered some of the other reasons for gambling? Have you ever stopped for a second to think about the science and psychology of falling in love or why you are falling in love with that special someone? " He further says "If I kept . More car horns, more fights, more nipicking. We can infer from patterns of behavior, cognition, facial expression, and physiology that the person is experiencing love. . We pay attention because we want to know if we are safe. Their reasons and manner vary hugely. It is the love language that centres on togetherness. Dr. Joyce Brothers Updated: . There are a number of reasons why when two people meet they are instantly attracted to each other, get on with each other and want to pursue something further. By examining our actions and attitude, we can start to break the cycle, says psychology researcher Raquel Peel. Being loved arouses anxiety because it threatens long-standing psychological defenses formed early in life in relation to emotional pain and rejection, therefore leaving a person feeling more vulnerable. professor emeritus of medical psychology and pediatrics at Johns Hopkins University, is what he calls our "love map" — a group of . If you look forward to going to your psychology courses , enjoy discussing psychology topics, spend your free time browsing psychology websites, and love learning new facts about psychology, then chances are good that earning a psychology degree is . "When we are in the company of the loved one the brain produces more serotonin, which gives a sense of well-being, more . The Psychology Behind Love and Romance. It's called the greatest virtue. We rush out the door and grab whatever's convenient for breakfast, or maybe we don't eat anything at all. Hunting and Gathering Romantic love emphasizes being in love with a cer-tain individual, "the one." On the other hand, there is confluent love that is more flexible with the roles that individuals play, and it emphasizes a relationship in which the growth of each person is important. When we talk of familial love (the love for, between and among family), fraternal love, and love between best friends and companions, we are referring to storge. Take time out to learn more about what you need and how you can meet that need for yourself. We start to attribute voices and ideas to miniature people and objects when we're about . "Love makes the world go 'round," but exactly why do we fall in love? I don't mean sitting on the couch watching television. (Credit: Oleksandr Lytvynenko/Shutterstock) The intensity of kama muta, Steinnes says, entices you "to experience it, again and again, so you seek out that stimuli.". Simons, in her blog on the Psychology Today website, writes: "A complaint can be a way to force other people to carry some of your negative feelings. It is crazy because nobody understands what it does. The reasons we love a certain brand of sneakers probably has more to do with our brains than our feet. We agree that "love hurts," but we don't think it hurts the way that, say, being kicked in the shin hurts. The reasons we love bad boys, toxic people and emotionally unavailable partners are not just emotional and psychological - they are downright biochemical. When we fall in love, we love someone, flaws and all. Here's Why You Shouldn't Be Missing Someone, You Shouldn't Fall In Love Factor One - The Lust Card. When people tend to fall in love, it usually brings forth positive emotions. The answer is simple, its all related to how your mind works. Work on yourself to become the best you can be! Romantic love, in particular, seems to be a beautiful mystery we find hard to explain. According to the psychology of attraction based on a number of different studies, our hormones, interests hobbies and upbringing all have a part in who and when we fall in love. Girls have been twirling their hair for as long as we can remember, but why do girls do this? 1. Today's world is a busy place and we lead busy lives. you've probably wondered why we love superheroes so much. Let's dive a little deeper. The answer to the question lies very much in the same realm as why people believe in just about any superstition. It's love. We can attempt to cling to the stages of love past, but this clinging will be in vain, as we are designed to go through them and experience them — they should be augmented into a new framework . The best possible reason to earn a degree in psychology is simply a love for the subject matter. Bags, books, clothes, cars, toys, jewellery, furniture, iPads. And, as human beings, we are naturally more inclined to engage with information that we find relevant and interesting. ErikaWittlieb/Pixabay. A . Published: 15th September, 2020 at 20:10. Simple: It's more relevant. What pushes some of us to that extreme line of danger where the person we should love the most is anything but lovable to us. Because cuteness elicits kama muta, she adds, it "makes you more empathetic.". This memory bump happens at a time when we are . We should also be able to do this reliably. The Psychology of Romantic Love — Whom We Find Attractive. As consumers, we like to think we favor a brand because of objective factors, such as product quality or price. A question that receives quite a bit of attention in the psychological literature is why people fall in love. The findings indicate that romantic attraction is an ancient biological drive, as are hunger and sex. Why We Love When couples bond, there's a lot more going on than it may seem. We dress up like them, proudly . Why is this? When people fall in love, they go into a state of limerence," she said, which is a fancy way of saying infatuation or obsession. Some call it 'love at first sight' while others have their own romantic theories as well. In the end, I think the fascination with murder is natural because there are so many different ways to judge each crime. This happens because our brains and hormones go wild when faced with a sincere love interest. Why Do We Fall In Love? As part of a national essay competition, current and future psychology students were asked to explain their study motivation. At the same time, life often presents a compelling argument that the two types of pain share a common source. Don't stand so close to me. And why do some people, can they, why can some people tolerate super spicy foods like they can add the hottest hot sauce to their chili and love it or eat these ghost peppers and all sorts of things like that, but while other people can't even stand a hint of heat, that's like some of my family members are like that, no heat at all on their food. Love and lust have numerous similar factors and it's easy to confuse true love with just lusting over someone. View full lesson: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/why-do-we-love-a-philosophical-inquiry-skye-c-clearyAh, romantic love; beautiful and intoxicating, heart-breakin. The truth is; love will hurt and here are 9 reasons why those closest to you suffer the . The psychology of society's love for dollhouses and miniatures is intriguing, and dates back centuries. This one will sneak up on you fast and take hold if you don't prevent it. Why do we fall in love with anything at all? However, no matter how open to love you are, you may feel some fear. By diving into the psychology of ignoring someone, you can start to unravel the reasons why you do it. You can't stop staring at them . In a bid to simplify things a little, The Independent spoke to psychologists to identify some of the clear signs that you might be falling in love with someone. Psychology plays a role, too. At the moment we consume, say, a chocolate bar, our brains seamlessly synthesize sensory phenomena, ideas, memories, and expectations—which means that we often don't fully understand why we like the things we like. This linkage may account for why love and hate are so closely linked to each other in life.". [Read: How to stop feeling ignored by someone you love] Why you think you ignore someone vs. why you really ignore them. Often, the reason why you feel admiration and fascination for what you see in other people is that that's what you want for yourself. Psychologist Paul Bloom describes how storytelling and marketing can add layers of meaning to our pleasures. We might still expect our partner to learn and grow, but we love them just the way they are. So why, psychology speaking, do we still like personalized content better in these cases? Why do we love someone? In other words, psychology is the intellectual path of creating one's personal success and survival of both life and being oneself. Why Love Literally Hurts. The psychology behind hurting people that you love is quite complicated. It's okay to think about someone you love, but when you are obsessing over that person, it might be because you need something and the need hasn't been fulfilled. 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why do we love someone psychology