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Like solar radiation in general, albedo values also vary across the globe with latitude but Earth's average albedo is around 31%. The extent of snow cover has varied from year to year. C) 69 percent. The solar energy that reaches the top of Earth's atmosphere is more or less constant. Earth's heat balance is and extremely important factor in what makes the Earth livable. . During the day, clouds can make the temperature on Earth cooler by blocking heat from the Sun. A) decrease; less B) decrease; more C) increase; less D) increase; more Answer: A 13) Earth's average overall albedo is A) 31 percent. Furthermore, the rate of temperature change is increasing: "The global annual temperature has increased at an average rate of 0.07°C (0.13°F) per decade since 1880 and . At the poles, it can be as high as 80% in some areas. 3.1 Changes in Land Surface Albedo Over the last million years, it has varied between 22.1 and 24.5 degrees with respect to Earth's orbital plane. claireturner123. The energy entering, reflected, absorbed, and emitted by the Earth system are the components of the Earth's radiation budget. What is Earth's average Albedo? When the planet's albedo or reflectivity increases, more incoming sunlight is reflected back into space. An increase in the Earth's albedo . Kato quickly understood why: not only is the Arctic's average cloud fraction on summer days large enough—on average 0.8, or 80 percent—to mask sea ice changes, but an increase in cloudiness between 2000 and 2004 further hid any impact that sea ice and snow losses might have had on the Arctic's ability to reflect incoming light. The main influence on Earth's climate over geologic time is: a. The term 'earth's energy budget' was coined to refer to the energy the planet receives from the sun, utilized all over the earth, and then sends back into space. Additionally, smooth surfaces have a higher albedo while rough surfaces reduce it. During the day, clouds can make the temperature on Earth cooler by blocking heat from the Sun. Then we deal with . Since the surface albedo reached the minimum and maximum . 8 . ) 138 terms. Through a series of chemical reactions and tectonic activity, carbon takes between 100-200 million years to move between rocks, soil, ocean, and atmosphere in the slow carbon cycle. Because ice has a high albedo, it reflects 84% of incoming solar radiation. Obliquity is why Earth has seasons. The study's results will be published Friday, Oct. 15 in Science. A sensor aboard NASA's Terra satellite is now collecting detailed measurements of how much sunlight the earth's surface reflects back up into the atmosphere. What surface on Earth has the lowest Albedo? Terrestrial Atmosphere Surface pressure: 1014 mb Surface density: 1.217 kg/m 3 Scale height: 8.5 km Total mass of atmosphere: 5.1 x 10 18 kg Total mass of hydrosphere: 1.4 x 10 21 kg Average temperature: 288 K (15 C) Diurnal temperature range: 283 K to 293 K (10 to 20 C) Wind speeds: 0 to 100 m/s Mean molecular weight: 28.97 Atmospheric composition (by volume, dry air): Major : 78.08% Nitrogen . (The term 'albedo' is derived from the Latin for 'whiteness'). Seasonal Cycles of Sea Ice Extent C) 69 percent. At night, clouds can make Earth's temperature warmer by trapping heat that came from the Sun. Geology Exam 1 Flashcards _ Quizlet.pdf. d. forests. 9 . ) b. The study of clouds, where they occur, and their characteristics, plays a key role in the understanding of climate change. The average area covered by snow has ranged from 3.0 million to 3.6 million square miles, with the minimum value occurring in 1998 and the maximum in 1978 (see Figure 1). 48. 12 Any explanations for the observed changes in climate must be grounded in understood physical mechanisms, appropriate in scale, and consistent in timing . Myth #1: It's the sun. Animation " The drivers of climate change " (Credit: Museum de Toulouse, Mercator Océan) 1.5. In other words, about 30 percent of incoming solar radiation is reflected back into space and 70 percent is absorbed. C) light from the Sun is mainly blue. b. snow that is polluted and several days old. Obliquity - The angle Earth's axis of rotation is tilted as it travels around the Sun is known as obliquity. So clouds can have both a cooling effect and a warming effect. Other Quizlet sets. A shift in the energy balance causes the Earth's average temperature to become warmer or cooler, leading to a variety of other changes in the lower atmosphere, on land, and in the oceans. They will be able to A ) decrease ; less 13) Earth's average overall albedo is A) 31 percent. exam 2 lips. The average albedo of the Earth from the upper atmosphere, its planetary albedo, is 30-35% because of cloud cover, but widely varies locally across the surface because of different geological and environmental features. B) 51 percent. The sun provides all the energy that is utilized within the earth although most of the sun's energy . Earth's average albedo is about 0.3. hence according to research took place in 1970's scientist found that Earth overall Albedo is 31% 14) Which of the following has the lowest albedo? D) Without a balanced radiation budget, the earth will become increasingly warmer or coller. Conduction refers to. However, unlike the sun, Gliese 667C is a much more slowly developing star. How do clouds affect albedo? D) unknown. Low, thick clouds reflect solar radiation and cool the Earth's surface. B) The laws of physics require incoming and outgoing radiation to equal. When the solar radiation passes through the atmosphere, a certain amount of it is scattered, reflected and absorbed. 31 percent b. Based on the physics principle of conservation of energy, this radiation budget represents the accounting of the balance between incoming radiation, which is almost entirely solar radiation, and outgoing radiation, which is partly reflected solar Earth's average overall albedo is A) 31 percent. Plate tectonics. Averaged over the entire planet, roughly 340 watts per square meter of energy from the Sun reach Earth. Human activities affect Earth's surface and the atmosphere, setting in motion changes having potentially profound implications for global climate and habitat sustainability. The Sun's spectral output is composed of approximately 9% ultraviolet (and shorter) wavelengths, 41% visible light, and about 50% infrared radiation. The Earth's orbit around the sun is an ellipse whose eccentricity, measuring the . 8.1 Earth's Heat Budget. 10 . ) It could be snow and ice, the grass on a lawn, the roof of a building, or the leaves in the canopy of a . At night, clouds can make Earth's temperature warmer by trapping heat that came from the Sun. ATS150 Global Climate Change Spring 2017 Candidate Questions for Final Exam 4 47. The Moon has an albedo of 0.06 because its dusty surface absorbs most of the light hitting the surface, but Earth has an albedo of 0.37 because clouds and the ocean regions are reflective. High, thin clouds transmit incoming solar radiation and also trap some of the outgoing infrared radiation emitted by the Earth, warming the surface. A change of just 1% to the Earth's albedo has a radiative effect of 3.4 Wm-2, comparable to the forcing from a doubling of CO2. Fundamentals 553neuro pupa20. 10 How much of the sun's energy actually reaches the Earth quizlet? C) It maintains the thickness of the atmosphere and variability in the length of day. The albedo effect when applied to the Earth is a measure of how much of the Sun's energy is reflected back into space. hugh_steele PLUS. The naturally occurring GHGs in Earth's atmosphere—principally water vapor and carbon dioxide—keep the near-surface air temperature about 60°F (33°C) warmer than it would be in their absence, assuming albedo is held constant. 1.4. It can be seen that the annual average surface albedo in the QM shows a slight upward trend, with a change rate of 5.0 × 10 −3 /10a. Example 2: Effect of the Earth's orbital parameters on its average temperature. Scientists project that Earth's average temperature will rise between two and 12 degrees Fahrenheit by 2100. A sensor aboard NASA's Terra satellite is now collecting detailed measurements of how much sunlight Earth's surface reflects back up into the atmosphere. Globally, over the course of the year, the Earth system—land surfaces, oceans, and atmosphere—absorbs an average of about 240 watts of solar power per square meter (one watt is one joule of energy every second). Figure 8.1.1 Earth's heat budget. A) To keep the Earth's average temperature more or less constant. Contents 1 Terrestrial albedo 1b. Using the planet's estimated albedo, which is about 11% that of the Earth, the average temperature on Gliese 667Cc comes out to be 277.4 degrees Kelvin, within 10 degrees Kelvin of Earth's termperature (see Equation 3: Albedo Calculation / Temperature Equilibrium). An increase in earths albedo would. This module explores the effects of those factors, including distance from the sun, aerosol particles floating in the air, and greenhouse gases. Fortunately, there are other factors that affect the planet's temperature. ). . Earth's average albedo is 0.3. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech. Some brief discussion of human modifications is provided below; a more extensive treatment of the topic is given in Chapter 8. 12) If the surface of the earth were to suddenly turn white, the temperature of the planet would _____ because _____ insolation would be absorbed. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech. This corresponds to an average flux of 0.087 W/m 2 and represents only 0.027% of Earth's total energy budget at the surface, being dwarfed by the 173,000 TW of incoming solar radiation. So clouds can have both a cooling effect and a warming effect. The earth-atmosphere energy balance is achieved as the energy received from the Sun balances the energy lost by the Earth back into space. Other Quizlet sets. The removal of ice high albedo. This acts to keep the earth's surface cooler than it otherwise would have been. B) 51 percent. a. pack ice off the coast of Antarctica. BS 161: Final Exam. Change to the Earth's albedo is a powerful driver of climate. the late-1800s Almost all of the energy input for the Earth system comes from radiation from the Sun The Earth's albedo is the average percentage of sunlight Earth reflects back to space As a result of evaporation and condensation (precipitation) processes, water vapor that reaches the poles is significantly enriched in its concentration of H216O Earth's average overall albedo is A) 31 percent B) 51 percent C) 69 percent D) unknown A) gasses in the atmosphere scatter blue light well The sky is blue because A) gasses in the atmosphere scatter blue light well B) dust in the atmosphere changes the black color of space to sky blue. Overall, the Earth's albedo has a cooling effect. The largest differences in local topography across the globe are Mount Everest, the highest point above sea level at 29,035 ft (8,850 m), and the Mariana Trench, the lowest point below sea level at 35,840 ft (10,924 m). Earth's average overall albedo is. 14 terms. Once the Arctic, Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets melt, water absorbs more heat. c. Human actions have little effect on the amount of carbon in circulation. Earth's energy balance depends on the incoming and outgoing energy from the sun. This has a cooling effect on global temperatures. About one-third of that energy is reflected back into space, and the remaining 240 watts per square meter is absorbed by land, ocean, and atmosphere. Of all of the solar radiation reaching Earth, 30% is reflected back to space and 70% is . The sky is blue because. In simpler terms, it is the measure of solar absorption. 65) In terms of maps of solar energy receipt at Earth's surface, the main interruption to a strictly latitudinal pattern is _____. 6 Why does the albedo of the Earth and its atmosphere average about 30 percent? The overall albedo of the Earth - measured to be 0.30 - has a significant effect on the temperature of the Earth, as it changes how much solar energy is reflected by the Earth as opposed to how much is absorbed. In fact, these areas are the earth's most important cooling mechanisms. Earth's average albedo is about 0.3. color test/ Claire Turner. The absorbed sunlight drives photosynthesis, fuels evaporation, melts snow and ice, and warms the Earth system. 51 percent c. 69 percent d. unknown . cloud cover 66) The Sun is directly on the horizon. Answer: A A ) 31 percent . σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant. samisnyder0. Overall, Earth reflects about 29% of the incoming solar radiation, and therefore, we say the Earth's average albedo is 0.29. Conversely, a drop in albedo warms the planet. As with any budget, to maintain constant conditions the budget must be balanced so that the incoming heat equals the outgoing heat. 83 terms. The term albedo was introduced into optics by Johann Heinrich Lambert in his 1760 work Photometria . 7 . ) But in the last century or so, humans have been interfering with the planet's energy balance, mainly through the burning of fossil fuels that add carbon dioxide to the air. Another example of a physical process resulting in a large deviation in the global mean temperature is primarily due to variations in the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit. . ) Earth 's average overall albedo is. . Local topography also plays a role in the Earth's shape, but on a global scale, its role is very small. As of mid 2021, the Earth's average temperature (considering both land and water) has risen 1.19 degrees Celsius (2.14 degrees F) over the pre-industrial average (1880-1900). A companion study led by GISS co-author Gavin Schmidt that has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Geophysical Research shows that carbon dioxide accounts for about 20 percent of the greenhouse effect, water vapor and clouds together account for 75 percent, and minor . It's sort of like clouds are wrapping Earth in a big, warm blanket. Just for your information, this amount is measured on a plane perpendicular to the Sun's rays and at the mean distance from the Sun to the Earth. For instance, the hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth was 70.7°C (159°F), which . Albedo Effect. For surfaces between the tropics (23.5°N to 23.5°S) the average albedo is 19-38%. d. Oceans absorb carbon dioxide much faster than humans add it to the atmosphere. Snow and ice , airborne particles , and certain gases have high albedos and reflect different amounts of sunlight back into space. A 2013 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicted the average global sea temperature could rise by . In this way, the Earth maintains a stable average temperature and therefore a stable climate. 7 How much energy is absorbed by the atmosphere? Based on how much sunlight hits Earth versus how much is reflected, Earth's average temperature should be well below freezing. This has a cooling effect on global temperatures. Using 100 units of energy from the sun as a baseline the energy balance is as follows: At the top of the . In addition, natural cycles within Earth's climate system can only redistribute heat; they cannot be responsible for the observed increase in the overall heat content of the climate system. See Section 1 and Figure 2.01. Between 1972 and 2020, the average extent of North American snow cover decreased at a rate of about 1,870 square miles . We begin with the energy (in units of W/m 2): E in =S( 1−a ) Here, S is the solar constant — 1370 W/m 2, and a is the albedo, which is about .31 based on satellite measurements. The sun follows a natural 11-year cycle of small ups and downs in intensity, but the effect on Earth's climate is small. The fact that the Earth can respond to slight changes in the amount of incoming radiation to maintain a fairly stable temperature is a result of Earth's energy budget.This phenomenon is also closely connected to flows on the Earth, and the Solar energy to the Earth. It is a reflection coefficient and has a value of less than one. Low, thick clouds reflect solar radiation and cool the Earth's surface. A planet's temperature may also be influenced by the greenhouse effect, or the warming of a planet and its lower atmosphere caused by trapped solar radiation. 9 Why does only 47 of the sun's energy reach Earth's surface? Earth's overall average albedo, including clouds, is around 0.3 (or 30%, if you prefer). The heat budget of Earth appears below (Figure 8.1.1). Albedo is the amount of sunlight reflected by earth surface. Astronomers define the reflectivity of an object in space using a term called albedo. This amount is called the absorbed solar radiation (ASR). [1] Changes in the shape of Earth's orbit as well as the tilt and position of Earth's axis can also affect the amount of sunlight reaching Earth's surface. Global temperatures depend on the total amount of carbon on Earth. -Satellites can measure the amount of energy Earth receives, and the amount it sends back into space using temperature estimates - ideally those two should be equal, giving a balanced radiation budget-About 50% of the sun's energy is reflected by clouds or absorbed by the atmosphere.-Darker surfaces (like oceans or rainforests) absorb more heat 126 terms. On average, 1013 to 1014 grams (10-100 million metric tons) of carbon move through the slow carbon cycle every year. 1a. Average conditions tend to remain stable unless the Earth experiences a force that shifts the energy balance. From a satellite's point of view, the "surface" is whatever it sees when it looks through the atmosphere to the ground. How is this It's sort of like clouds are wrapping Earth in a big, warm blanket. Which of the following has the lowest albedo? Change to the Earth's albedo is a powerful driver of climate. It's estimated that a change of just two degrees in average global temperature could result in sea level rise, lower crop yields, increased rainfall and flooding, more wildfires and . Earth's dimness could become more significant in upcoming decades as well. [1] [2] The role of the sun's energy in the past The study of clouds, where they occur, and their characteristics, plays a key role in the understanding of climate change. Sunlight is the primary driver of Earth's climate and weather. The Earth's surface absorbs about 174 Watts m-2 of sunlight on the average, yet it emits about 400 Watts m-2 of infrared radiation. So about 30% of the incoming sunlight is reflected back into space by clouds or light areas on Earth's surface, or scattered back out into space by gas molecules in the atmosphere (that scattering is what makes the sky blue, not black! T is the temperature of the Earth, in Kelvin. The surface of Earth with the lowest albedo are rainforests. Giving: 1364 4 W m 2 × 0.7 = 238.7 W m 2. e is the emissivity of an object, generally set to 1 for an ideal radiator. The geothermal heat flow from the Earth's interior is estimated to be 47 terawatts (TW) and split approximately equally between radiogenic heat and heat left over from the Earth's formation. The basic principle is analogous to strategies employed by people who live in hot places. This difference is only a matter of about 12 miles (19 km), which is . With accepted values in this equation, the theoretical average temperature of the Earth is: 238.7 W m 2 = ( 5.67 × 10 − 8 W m 2 K 4) T 4. Here is a look at 10 of the most common myths about climate change that persist in the public sphere and what science has to say about them. Which of the following is true of the albedo of water? Earth's average overall albedo is 31 percent The Celsius and Fahrenheit scales only coincide at -40°. High, thin clouds transmit incoming solar radiation and also trap some of the outgoing infrared radiation emitted by the Earth, warming the surface. b. Part of what makes Earth so amenable is its natural greenhouse effect, which keeps the planet at a friendly 15 °C (59 °F) on average. When the planet's albedo or reflectivity increases, more incoming sunlight is reflected back into space. The reflected sum of radiation is called the albedo of the earth. 8 Does the Earth lose heat to space? 8. Review vocabulary introduce in Activity 1.2: reflectivity, albedo, absorption, and explain to students that in their next activity they are going to use a climate model to look at how reflectivity, or albedo, affects Earth's global average temperature. Conversely, a drop in albedo warms the planet. c. dry, light sandy soils. A vertical air current that is generated by temperature density differences is an example of heat transfer by. In other words, about 30 percent of incoming solar radiation is reflected back into space and 70 percent is absorbed. A change of just 1% to the Earth's albedo has a radiative effect of 3.4 Wm-2, comparable to the forcing from a doubling of CO2. D) unknown. e. the Moon's surface in full sunlight . 2 Geothermal heat from Earth's interior, direct heating from energy production, and frictional heating through . The average surface temperature on Earth is approximately 7.2°C, though (as already noted) this varies. 47. The solar constant (I SC) is the average radiation intensity falling on an imaginary surface, perpendicular to the Sun's rays and at the edge of the Earth's atmosphere (figure 2.1).The word 'constant' is a little misleading since, because of the Earth's elliptical orbit the intensity of the solar radiation falling on the Earth changes by about 7% between January 1 st, when the Earth . a. 11 How much of the sun's energy reaches . Albedo is the portion of solar energy reflected from the surface of the Earth back into space. - fresh snow - croplands - the moon - light roof - forests The moon Land surface temperature (LST) is a measure of the heating of the land surface and is distinct from air temperature. Of the ~340 W/m 2 of solar radiation received by the Earth, an average of ~77 W/m 2 is reflected back to space by clouds and the atmosphere and ~23 W/m 2 is reflected by the surface albedo, leaving ~240 W/m 2 of solar energy input to the Earth's energy budget. The annual average value of surface albedo, snow cover, and NDVI in the QM from 2001 to 2020 was calculated to obtain the interannual variation trend . Global average temperatures have increased more than 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit over the last 100 years. But once we remove our icy protective shield, water reflects as low as 5% of solar radiation. Slow Cycle. Land surface temperature is how hot the "surface" of the Earth would feel to the touch in a particular location. This is the amount of electromagnetic radiation that reflects away, compared to the amount that . The spinning of Earth's axis and the elliptical rotation of the axes cause the day on which Earth is closest to the sun (perihelion) to migrate through the calendar year in a cycle of around . Like solar radiation in general, albedo values also vary across the globe with latitude but earth's average albedo is around 31%. The resulting global average temperature difference between the last cold period at its extreme (the last glacial maximum) about 21,000 years ago and the warm interglacial period we have known for about 10,000 years is thus likely between 3°C and 8°C [3]. Which of the following has the lowest albedo? Steph_Hughes. This changes how Earth's energy budget balances, and can have serious impacts on the global climate. AFST 236 MIDTERM. 31 percent. 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